Four Steps to Setting Direction and Pace - Management Essentials

Directing others can be challenging. Using a structured, four-step approach can help you direct others effectively and achieve organizational goals.

The four-step approach is as follows:

  1. Set goals
    First you need to set a team goal that supports organizational goals. Goals don't need to be expressed in measurable terms; in fact goals are typically stated in abstract and general terms. They do need to support the organization's overall mission, vision, and values. Involving your team members in developing a goal will give them a sense of ownership and increase their commitment to achieving the goal.
  2. Create objectives
    In line with the goals set for the team, you need to create objectives to make sure the team achieves those goals. Objectives must be measurable so that progress can be tracked. You should use the SMART model, ensuring that the objectives you set are specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound.
  3. Define a plan of action
    Once you've set goals and objectives, you have to specify what must be done to accomplish them. This is the action plan for your team. An action plan identifies the tasks and deliverables that must be completed to achieve objectives, which in turn enable the team to achieve its goals. You must also provide direction in the form of targets and timelines. At a team level, it's really the action plan that sets direction and pace. Define a new action plan for each budget period to ensure that your team's work is aligned with the goals and vision of the organization.
  4. Follow up
    After providing direction in the form of an action plan, you need to monitor progress. This is the purpose of the final step of following up. You need to ensure that what's laid out in the plan is being achieved. If necessary, modify the action plan to get progress back on track or to reflect changes made at higher levels of the organization. During the follow-up step, you can also evaluate the overall performance of the team and the effectiveness of its goals and objectives, and provide feedback and encouragement to keep team members on track.
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