Is it possible to set up individual user locales?

It is possible to set up locales on a user basis so that you do not need to create new object manager components in order for a set of users to simply use a different locale.  A locale directs how sensitive information, such as date, time, and numbers are shown and may be different from country to country.

Handling Performance issues during CheckIn / CheckOut Process

Lets explore few basic troubleshooting steps required during performance issues related to CheckIn / CheckOut process using Siebel Tools.

1. Check if this problem is happening on all machines or single machine. Also check whether the all developers are affected or single developer. This step helps in isolating the root cause of the performance problem.

why full compile produces a small SRF?

The .srf file is a compressed binary database. Siebel eBusiness Applications use compression techniques to optimize  the size and performance of the .srf file at compilation time. Each time a repository object gets written or changed, there is a change to internal block allocation, causing the file size to change.

What are "major schema version" and "minor schema version" in SRFdiff?

SRFDiff has been introduced in Siebel 8.1 and "Using Siebel Tools Version 8.1" > Chapter 12: Managing Repositories > Comparing Two Repository Files Using SRFDiff explains how to use it. There it mentions about "major schema version" and "minor schema version".

"major schema version" comes from S_APP_VER.DB_SCHEMA_VER column and "minor schema version" comes from S_APP_VER.DB_MINOR_VER column. They are inserted while Siebel Database is set up

What Can Be Tracked With Siebel Audit Trail

The purpose of Siebel Audit Trail is to tracks changes to business component data made by users in the application, changes which are made through the Object Manager. Therefore changes made directly to the data in the database would not be tracked by Siebel Audit Trail.

Siebel Audit Trail works through the business component layer. In the set up of Audit Trail, business components are specified to be audited operations to be tracked, and fields to be tracked.

LDAP password policy parameters supported in Siebel

Not all the LDAP password policy attributes are supported. Below are for your reference.

* Reset password upon next login
* Password Expiration Warning
* Password Expiry Time
* Password Failure Count Interval
* Password Maximum Failure
* Minimum Number of Characters of Password
* Number of Numeric Characters in Password
* Number of Password History
* Password Illegal Values

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