Is it possible to set up individual user locales?

It is possible to set up locales on a user basis so that you do not need to create new object manager components in order for a set of users to simply use a different locale.  A locale directs how sensitive information, such as date, time, and numbers are shown and may be different from country to country.
Siebel allows locales to be set on a user basis, but the configuration has not existed before siebel 7.7. The following steps may be taken in order to complete the configuration side:

1. Create "Preferred Locale Id" field in the Employee business component

2. Create a new join to S_LOCALE
Name: Preferred Locale
Outer Join: TRUE

3. Join Specification:
Name: Locale
Destination Column: ROW_ID
Source Field: Preferred Locale Id

4. Add "Preferred Locale" field to Employee business component
Join: Preferred Locale
Picklist: PickList Locale

5. Set two pickmaps on 'Preferred Locale' field:
Field: Preferred Locale
Picklist Field: Locale Code

Field: Preferred Locale Id
Picklist Field: Id

6. On Employee List Applet add a new list column
Name: Preferred Locale
Field: Preferred Locale
Display Name String Reference: SBL_LOCALE-1004234110-5CN
HTML Type: Field
Runtime: TRUE

7. Edit Web Layout on the Employee List Applet
Select 'Edit List' mode
Drag and drop the Locale Code list column to the applet layout.
Save Applet changes.

8. Compile applet and business component.

This will allow you to set a user specific locale via Administration - User > Employee that overrides the object manager. If you wish to allow the users to set the locale themselves, you could follow the steps steps from 7. but for the 'User Profile Form Applet' (Tools > User Preferences) but add relevant controls instead of a list column.

These settings work on a session level, so users will need to logout and login again for the changes to take effect and if a value is not set, the object manager's will be used instead.

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