How are CREATED and CREATED_BY columns populated using EIM?

In standard Siebel applications, ‘CREATED’ and ‘CREATED_BY’ are system columns that will be automatically populated when importing data via EIM. The starting time of the EIM server task and login information of the employee starting the EIM server task populates these columns. There is no EIM mapping from the Siebel Interface tables to the CREATED and CREATED_BY columns in any of the base tables.

The following interface tables are an exception. They have a mapping into the ‘Created By’ column: EIM_LITERATURE, S_ACTIVITY_IF, S_APPT_IF, S_CONTACT1_IF, S_CONTACT2_IF, S_CONTACT_IF, S_FSCT_ACCNT_IF, S_FSCT_OPTY_PRD_IF, S_FSCT_OPTY_IF, S_FSCT_POSTN_IF, S_FSCT_PROD_IF, S_FUL_IF, S_FUL_ITEM_IF, S_LITERATURE_IF.

However, Siebel applications support extensions made to the database and modifications made to the user interface. Given below is a one way to accomplish this:

1. Add two extension columns to a base table and give them unique names (that is, "X_CREATED_DATE", "X_CREATOR"). 

2.Add two extension columns to the corresponding interface table.

3. Map extension columns in the interface table to the extension columns in the base table. 

4.Configure the applications so that two new extension columns will be displayed in user interface. 

5.Populate data via EIM, GUI or VB/OLE.

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