Automatic Logoff from the Siebel Client session, based on specific conditions.

Client Requirement is to automatically logg off Siebel client if an Inactive User/Ex-Employee tries to access the application 


Javascripts can be used to address these kind of requirements. Write the following script in the Browser script method Applet_Load () of Home Page Applet. 

functionApplet_Load ()


varEmployeeStatus = TheApplication().GetProfileAttr(“EmpStatus”);

if(EmployeeStatus == “Inactive”)


top.location= "start.swe?SWECmd=Logoff";



 The snipet can be modified to automatically log-off the Siebel Application as per Client requirement. 

Note: - It should be noted that we need to run the Browser Script (Genbscript.bat) batch file since the code is executed in the Applet Browser Script. 

Also note that this code snippet will not only close the Siebel Web Client, but will actually kill the siebel.exe process running on the machine for remote Siebel application.

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