Report Formatting by editing XML in Oracle BI

Pivot Tables in Siebel Analytics and Oracle BI does not provide option to display more than one decimal place in the report out-of-box. The business might need more for their analysis.

To display more decimal places, the report XML can be edited. This can be done using advanced tab and changing the attributes minDigits and maxDigits in XML as shown below.

E.g. minDigits="0" maxDigits="0"  will display 0 decimal places

minDigits="1" maxDigits="1"  will display 1 decimal places

minDigits="4" maxDigits=" 4" will display 4 decimal places

Benefits: Having more than one decimal places for percentage the analysis would be more accurate (eg. 2.57 being round off to 2.6 which is not accurate). Customers may demand for more decimal places if the analysis is based on the least value and has huge amount of data having more variation.

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