Organizing as a Management Function

The purpose of management in any type of organization is to make sure available resources are used most efficiently in the pursuit of goals. Organizing is one managerial function that helps ensure resources are used efficiently.

For the purposes of this course, organizing is defined as the process used by managers to define the task and team relationships that help employees work together to achieve goals. As you direct others, efficient use of resources is your responsibility. Organizing your team's efforts will help make the best use of resources as your team pursues its objectives. Generally, the better organized an effort is, the better the results will be. Continuous and consistent organizing can provide you with some benefits that encourage an organized effort and, therefore, are important considerations in your management function.

The structured and clear approach to work that comes from being organized is also important because it promotes efficient use of resources. In Frank's case, had the advice come at the beginning of the instructions, he would've made better use of his time and avoided frustration.

Managers who are efficient at organizing their teams or departments set a good example for their employees. If you're organized, your direct reports will strive to approach work in an organized way too. And the more organized everyone is, the better the outcome. This is just one more reason being organized is important.

The final reason organizing is important is that it pleases clients. Aside from demonstrating your commitment to your managerial role, organized effort typically generates better results. And being recognized for success is a definite career booster.

Organizing: Typical actions

So, how should you go about organizing? You create a structured approach to work that establishes how your team members will work together to achieve their objectives.

This structured approach to work is a formal system of tasks, processes, and work relationships.

The organizing function of defining the structure involves two key actions:

  1. identifying what's necessary – You must identify the activities, tasks, and resources necessary to achieve objectives. Defining the tasks and processes to be used to get work done provides clear direction as your team works to accomplish objectives. This includes the allocation of financial resources. Properly organized, your team will always have the resources it needs, when it needs them, to achieve objectives.
  2. allocating authority and responsibility – You must also allocate authority and responsibility for the work to be done by defining working relationships. This will help the team work efficiently and involves establishing who's responsible for what and who has authority for making decisions.

Organizing is an ongoing effort that occurs at all levels of an organization. As you organize for your team, other managers are organizing for their teams. Organizing at the company, unit, department, and team levels has a common focus – making sure resources are used efficiently as objectives and goals are achieved.

Because businesses are ever-changing, the structures created need to be flexible. This will help you respond to changes that occur, allowing your team to change or grow as necessary to meet objectives. The primary purpose of the structure is to direct the efforts of others, and they can't follow what they don't know. You need to make sure the structure is clearly communicated to all your employees.

As a manager, you're responsible for the organizing function, which results in the establishment of a formal system or structure to guide your team's work. As you work to establish the structure, you identify the activities, tasks, and resources necessary to achieve objectives. You also create authority and responsibility relationships. Both are necessary to guide how work will be accomplished in your department or on your team. The guiding principle of organizing is to make efficient use of resources while working to achieve objectives.

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