How can users generate an Enterprise Integration Manager Log file in Siebel

In Siebel application, follow the steps below to generate an Enterprise Integration Manager (EIM) detailed log file:

1. From User Interface, navigate to View > Site Map > Server Administration > Components

2. Select Enterprise Integration Manager as the component and choose the tab 'Component Event Configuration'.

3. Find the following 'Event Type':

SQL Tracing
SQL Summary
Task Configuration
Component Tracing.

Change their "Log Level" values to 4, 4, 4, 3 respectively.

(Note: It is not necessary to restart the Siebel Server to apply the changes. These settings will be active in the next EIM task execution.)


4. When running an EIM task, set the following flags for the task:

Error flags 1
SQL Trace Flags 8
Trace Flags 1


Afterwards a detailed log file will be generated under Siebel_Server\log directory.

Step 1-4 can also be performed from the srvrmgr command line. The following commands can be used to turn on above tracing levels from command line:


change evtloglvl SQLSummary=4 for component eim
change evtloglvl SQL=4 for component eim
change evtloglvl TaskConfig=4 for component eim
change evtloglvl Trace=3 for component eim

Also following parameters must be specified in the command used to run EIM task.

Srvrmgr> run task for component eim with config=<configfile.ifb>, TraceFLags=1, ErrorFlags=1, SQLFlags=8

The following command can be used to view existing event log levels for EIM component.

Srvrmg> list evtloglvl for component eim


Further information regarding event logging administration is available in Siebel Server Administration Guide, Chapter "Using the Server Manager GUI", Section "Event Logging Administration".
